If your beard-moustache has become white before time, then adopt this home remedy

There are many boys all over the world who now have beard and moustache and in today's time, it has become a fashion. Along with this, girls also like boys with a beard. There are many people who keep a beard and a moustache, but they start turning white before time. Due to this, people tend to get older and confidence starts to decrease. Today we are going to tell you what you can do to protect beard-moustache hair from becoming white. Intoxication and stress cause beard-moustache hair to become white, today we are going to tell you the home remedies.

1- Hard leaf water - If you want to keep your beard-moustache hair from becoming white then put some hard leaves in a cup of water and boil it till it. When the water becomes half, cool it and filter it and drink it. If you do this every day for a few days, then you will see that your beard-moustache hair is not turning white.

2- Amla Juice- Use of Amla to darken the hair of beard-moustache. Drinking Amla juice regularly and applying Amla powder mixed with oil in hair will see miraculous benefits. The hair of the beard-moustache will turn black if it is white.

3- Mint tea - If you want your beard-moustache hair to be natural, then use mint tea as much as possible. Yes, after consuming mint tea, you get back the real colour of beard-moustache hair.

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