Eid-ul-Fitr festive celebration will be special after Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the month of fasting in the Islamic calendar, and the month of it comes after which the day of Eid is held on Day 1. The day of Eid comes shortly after the month of fasting. After spending a month's fasting life, Muslims freely eat and drink. The Eid prayers are read collectively by thanking God. Meet all the people of society and celebrate happiness. Donations help people from the poorer sections of society through the (Fitra). The expression of Eid is to remember God. To be involved in the joys of people with their joys. The month of fasting was a month of preparation and self-analysis. Then the day of Eid is a day to start life with a new one and a new consciousness. If Rosa had pause, Eid would move forward after that pause. In which all the worship of Allah are engaged.

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For a short time, the person in the Roze is cut off from the world's things. In addition, they also prohibit their natural needs. It is really a lag of preparation, whose true purpose is to give the person a push towards their inner mind rather than looking outside. He must cultivate qualities that are essential for him in the midst of life struggle without which he cannot play his role in society in a useful way. To be patient, not to violate your limits, to protect yourself from a notional mindset. The name of the same negativity is called Rosa, whose entire month comes back to the field of life and the new round is launched as a festival of Eid in her life.


For your information, the day of Eid is the day of the beginning of a new life for each rozdar. The excellent qualities that arise in the person by fasting are the result that he is trying to become a better person, not just for himself but also for the society. In fasting, the person tolerates hunger, so he has to tolerate the favourable conditions that fall in life. In fasting, as a person changes his sleep and the act of waking up, he renounces his desires for widespread human interests. As he is willing to stop his desires, he tries to be more than a person who monitors his responsibilities in the society after Ramadan.

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