Enjoy your weekend with these Tasty and Healthy Baby Corn Spicy Recipes

Baby corn can be a good option if you want to include some health in your diet. You get many nutritious ingredients together in baby corn. Baby corn masala gravy is a testy recipe. After eating, you will keep licking your fingers whether children or elders. Let's know what is the right way to make baby corn spicy.

Ingredients 500 grams baby corn, two teaspoons corn flour, two tablespoons flour, two teaspoons ginger and garlic paste, salt flavor, four teaspoon chili sauce, three teaspoons tomato sauce, one teaspoon white vinegar, a small spoon soya Sauce, a medium sized onion, a medium sized capsicum, two green chilies, 500 ml Refined oil, a teaspoon Ajinomoto, two pinch white chilli powder.

Method to make

Cut the piece of half-inch from the baby corn. Cut the onion, capsicum finely. Now add flour, salt, and cornflour to water in a bowl and make a thin slurry. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the oil until it becomes light golden by dipping the pieces of baby corn in the flour batter. 

Now remove all the oil from the pan. Then heat three teaspoons of oil. Now put the ginger-garlic paste in it and fry it on low flame for three minutes. Add onion, green chili and capsicum and fry for 5 to 6 minutes in light flame and add all the sauce, vinegar, Ajinomoto, salt and white chili powder and add half a cup of water. Now add fry baby curry in a pan and cook until dry and serve hot. 

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