Explore the Cosmos: NASA's New 3D Video of the Pillars of Creation

NASA has released a mesmerizing 3D video showcasing the 'Pillars of Creation' in the Eagle Nebula. This incredible visualization combines images from both the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. Originally captured by Hubble in the 1990s, these towering columns of gas and dust have fascinated people for years, as they are regions where new stars are born.

The new video allows viewers to journey through these cosmic pillars in three dimensions, revealing their intricate details. It contrasts Hubble's visible-light images with Webb's infrared views, offering a unique perspective on these celestial structures. This initiative is part of NASA's Universe of Learning, designed to boost public engagement and understanding of star formation.

Principal visualization scientist Frank Summers from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore explains, "The contrast helps people understand why we need more than one space telescope to observe different aspects of the same object. By flying past and among the pillars, viewers can experience their three-dimensional structure and see the differences between the Hubble and Webb images."


This video offers a breathtaking experience, allowing everyone to explore the wonders of the universe from the comfort of their homes.

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