Explore the nature’s paradise New Zealand to fall in love

New Zealand is truly paradise for nature lovers. In this country you can  experience intimacy with nature that's hard to find anywhere else. The two of you can discover magic places, where you can fall in love with each other over and over again. From secluded beaches and exotic rainforests through to geothermal wonderlands and snow-capped mountains, New Zealand's landscapes are as romantic as they are varied. Without the stress of everyday life—and with as much luxury as you'd like to build into your holiday—you can focus on what's truly important in life—love. Fill your holiday with adventurous activities for two or just relax together .Let’s  explore this nature blessed country.

Lake Tekapo

 Contemplate the Southern Cross or the Milky Way at Lake Tekapo—far away from the lights and noises of any city, the night sky will wow you with its clarity, and perhaps even send you a shooting star.

Franz Josef

 I have been to this place and belive me this place is like a beautiful painting of a painter. Here you can retreat to a private pool in the Glacier Hot Pools near Franz Josef—surrounded by native rainforest, you can soak in steaming glacial waters and let go of all worldly worries.  Zealandia in Wellington 

Now let’s step into a different world and listen to a bird song so that you can connect with nature.  Actually Zealandia in Wellington is a safe haven for rare wildlife and lets you experience the sounds of an untouched paradise.  

Romantic Cruise Ride

 For  a romantic date you can go for a  cruise ride from Mokoia Island on Lake Rotorua—you'll get an authentic insight into Maori culture as you hear the moving love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai and follow in their footsteps.

Black Beaches of Auckland's

If you love rustic and wild beaches than you must visit go for a stroll as the sun sets on one of the wild black beaches of Auckland's West Coast—then do as the locals do and satisfy your worked up appetite with delicious take-away fish and chips.

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