Massage your face to get glowing skin, Know these tips

The most important role in your beauty is your face. If your face will remain dull, then obviously your brightness will also remain pale. Therefore, it is important that you keep your face in fresh look. The stress on your face is clearly visible due to workload, relationship worries etc. The burden of this can also be seen on your face at times. Obviously, it makes your face look dull. You can do a massage to freshen up your face. This not only provides relief to the facial muscles but also improves circulation. 

For the cheeks- Place your fingers around your nose and massage your cheeks to the ears with a moisturizer.

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For lips- Place your fingers on your chin and slowly extend outwards and upwards. Now bring the fingers slowly towards your lower lip, upper lip and then take them to the edges of your nose.

Jawline- Keep your mouth closed and make small circles around your jaw and massage it.

For the forehead - Place the fingers in the middle of the forehead and gently massage the side of your head.

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For the eyes- Put a little ice cream on the tip of the fingers and keep the fingers around the eyes and pull the corners of the eyes in the upper direction. Then close the eyelids with the thumb and relax. After the massage, remove the excess cream or oil from the sponge.

Keep this in mind While massaging the face, always keep in mind that you should massage in the upper direction and never massage the bottom.

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