Factory worker committed suicide due to corona

Haryana: The increasing incidents are becoming a cause of trouble for everyone today. Every day some news comes to the fore that completely shocks the person. Every day India loses its life after being victim of some big accident. So somewhere the news of someone's suicide causes heartache. Recently, a similar case has come to light, where a laborer working in a plywood factory committed suicide by hanging himself. After information, the police reached the spot and removed the body and sent it to the post-mortem. Although the police has taken action of 174. On Wednesday, a resident of Bihari working in a plywood factory near Naharpur committed suicide by hanging himself.

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According to sources, the police questioned the people living with the deceased. They told that it was missing somewhere from the house at night. When relatives searched, the dead body was found hanging from the tree in the fields. After which the police was informed. The police reached the spot, took the body down from the tree and sent it to the civil hospital in Yamunanagar for post mortem.

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The family said that ever since the epidemic of corona has spread in the country and lockdown is in place, since then, he has been sitting in his room. Neither do he has any work nor money to go to their home. He wants to go to his house. He said that many times he also told the factory owner that he wanted to go to his house. But, to no avail, we are upset.

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