This famous actress was suffering from korana, shares health update

Olga Kurylenko, a model and actress of Ukrainian origin, infected with Kovid-19, has recently come out with statements about her health. She says that she is feeling better now. Olga appeared in the 2008 James Bond film The Quintum of Solace. The infection of Kovid-19 was confirmed in Olga earlier this week. He said that he could not get a bed in the hospital because of the rush in London hospitals.

On Wednesday, Olga wrote on her Instagram, 'Hello everyone! I feel better today. My fever has gone away! I am currently in London! I got tested for corona virus and the infection was confirmed in me. Doctors have not asked me to take any medicines. I have been asked to take paracetamol when fever and pain is more.


He appealed to the people to take many vitamins and strengthen immunity. Olga also shared a picture of herself with a surgical mask. Let us know that the infection was confirmed in Olga last Sunday. The corona virus was first confirmed in Forest Grumps actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson. Both of them are living separately as a precaution after being discharged from a hospital in Australia on Tuesday. After getting admitted in self-quarantine. Apart from these, other celebrities infected with Kovid-19 include Idris Elba, Rachel Mathew, Christopher Hiviju and Indira Verma.




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