DIY Hacks: Do not throw old shoes away, re-use it in this way

But many times, such shoes come which after wearing once or twice do not feel like wearing it again. Now such shoes can not be thrown or given to anyone. If very favorite shoes have become old, then people do not even like to throw it away. There is no place to keep shoes at home, so use it differently. With the help of these interesting tips, some more can be used from your shoes. Not only will the shoes be saved from waste, but you will also attract the attention of the people.

Make pin shoes of children- Children's shoes are very cute and it is not too dirty or even ripped. If children's shoes have become smaller then it can be used like pin cushions in this way. This idea is simple and your pin-losing problem can also be treated. It will also look very cute and can be decorated easily on the table as well. The sweet memories of your child will also remain fresh.

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Use as a bookshelf - You can use your old shoes like a book shelf. Old high heels are the most useful. You can design a bookshelf by painting your old high heels. These can be placed on the table. Remember that paint the heels well, any design can be made in it. There will be no need to throw away the old heels and the table will also look a bit decorated. If shoes are cut or there is a problem related to shoes, it can be used as such.

Donate - There are many such organizations which distribute old shoes and clothes etc. among the poor. You can also give your old shoes to others. Keep in mind, donate shoes that are in good condition. If a part of a shoe is damaged, then use it in any of the above ways. There will also be no loss. Using these methods can also give a new look to the decoration of the house. These methods of using shoes will not look bad.

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Use it like a pot - Sometimes the shoe quality is so good that it does not bother with water and air. Many types of footwear, such as rain boots, are very strong and can be exploited. It can be used as pots. A beautiful garden can be made for small to large size shoes. This mini garden idea can be quite good. With this, keep in mind that they should be in open space. If the manure and water is not enough and the shoe is in a rotten condition, then it will stink. It would be better to do it with rain boots or with plastic shoes, and to be used to keep it outside the house.

Decoration Goods from old slippers: You can be made a variety of decorations from old slippers. Different designs can also be made by painting it. These wall hangings will not only work to decorate the house, but its unique design will also attract the attention of the people. One size slippers will be best for doing this job. 

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