Fate will never leave these types of people

The Purans say that if you have these things then your fate will never leave :

Let's know what the things are:

1- If a person is a victim of any illness, his mental and physical powers are eliminated. Because of which he is unable to do any work. The person who is healthy is lucky. That's why always take special care of your health.

2- The person who has enough resources to come to the money can spend a happy life. The person who lacks wealth is not happy and he has to face many problems.

3- It is said in scriptures that whose voice is sweet, goddess saraswati is always happy with them. The person who speaks bitter, the nature of that person is also bad like his language.

4-Knowledge is considered as the greatest capital of the human being. The money keeps coming, but if you have the wealth of knowledge then no one can snatch it from you. So if you have the knowledge then you are the world's most fortunate man is.

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