Feeling depressed Never try these mention methods

2017, Depression is the theme for World Health Day. Day by day, the cases of depression are increasing and we Indians are among the most depressed people in the world.

To get rid of depression, we try different ways but don't follow blindly these following ways.

1. Never rush for so-called comfort foods: These foods that you think can lower down your depression are high in sugar and fats that lead to weight gain.

2. Never copy other's method to get relieved: Some methods like meditation are helpful to decrease depression, not all methods can be helpful.

3. Never find relaxation in smoking or taking alcohol: Nicotine is absorbed by the body and rather decreasing, increase your depression.

4. Watching television can never be a solution: It can make you addict of it. Thus, to manage depression, you have to look out for some healthy methods rather than these above ways.

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