Sooryavansham is one of the most loved films in the entertainment industry. On the one hand some people love to watch this film. Meanwhile on the other hand some people got frustrated from the film as one TV channel very frequently telecast this film. None other than Set Max Channel has taken it upon itself to keep the legacy of the film alive. Even several memes have been made on Set Max telecasting Sooryavansham and now a frustrated man in India has written a letter to the channel describing how this film affect his mental health. He wrote, "Nivedan hai ki aapke channel ko Sooryavansham feature film ke telecast ka theka prapt hua hai, aapki krupa se hum aur humara parivar Heera Thakur aur unke parivar (Radha, Gauri, and etc) ko aache se jaan chuke hai.”,. (Your channel has the viewing rights of the film. I and my family are well-versed with Heera Thakur and his family.) He added, “Main aapke channel se yeh jaanna chahta hoon ki aapka channel ab tak kitni baar iss film ka prasaran kar chuka hai? Bhavishya mein kitni baar aur iss film aur telecast kiya jayega. Yadi humari maansik stithi pe iska viprit asar (paagalpan) aata hai. Toh iska jimmedar kaun hoga? Krupa suchna dene ka kasth kare.” (I want to know how many times you have telecast the film. Also, how many times will you telecast in the future as well? If the film affects our mental health, whom should we consider responsible? Kindly let me know.) This hilarious post is doing rounds on all over social media. As soon as it caught the eyes of people they started commenting on it one user wrote, "Zaher wali khir dekh ke khir khana chod diya mitro," Another one stated, "This can happen only in India! A man’s frustration over repeated telecast of a super flow movie becomes a news! Thanks God but sumone cud feel the way i too felt" “Made my life hell..”, Jacqueline Fernandez says Sukesh Chandrashekhar destroyed her life Minissha Lamba called Me too accused Sajid Khan a ‘Creature’, “The less about the person…” From Radhika Merchant to Aishwarya Rai, celebrities Mehndi ceremonies' looks