First federal execution of a woman to take place in the US

Federal execution is going to take place in the States. The US Justice Department announced on Friday that it has scheduled the first federal execution of a woman in almost 70 years, initiating date of Dec. 8 to put to death Lisa Montgomery, convicted of a 2004 murder. Montgomery, who was found guilty of killing a pregnant woman in Missouri, will be administered by deadly injection at US Penitentiary Terre Haute, Indiana, the department gave information in a statement. The last woman to be executed by the US government was Bonnie Heady, who was put to death in a gas chamber in Missouri in 1953, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

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The justice department on Friday also scheduled the date of Dec. 10. for the execution for Brandon Bernard, who with his associates killed two youth ministers in 1999. The two hangings will be the eighth and ninth the federal government has carried out in 2020. The Trump administration ended an informal 17-year-hiatus in federal executions in July, after declaring last year that the Bureau of Prisons was switching to a new single-drug protocol for lethal injections, from a three-drug combination it last used in 2003.

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The new protocol improved long-running legal challenges to lethal injections. In August, a federal judge in Washington, DC ruled the Justice Department was violating the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in not seeking a doctor’s prescription to administer the highly regulated barbiturate. But an appeals court held the violation did not in itself amount to “irreparable harm” and allowed federal executions to proceed. In 2007, a US District Court for the Western District of Missouri sentenced Montgomery to death after finding her guilty of a federal kidnapping resulting in death. Her attorney, Kelley Henry, said that Montgomery deserves to live because she is mentally ill and suffered childhood abuse.

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