Follow these 5 steps to become more productive !

“How can I become more productive?” if this is the question you ask yourself often, then here’s your answer.

1.) Plan each day the night before: this habit will work wonders for you. If you take just 15 mins of your night time to create a to-do list of all the tasks you need to get done the next day, you’ll have a head start for your day.

2) Use the most productive hours of the day, for the most important tasks: Some people are early risers and some night owls. It’s important that you categorize your work and set apart the important work for the hours that you’re most productive in.

3) Keep your goals in sight at all times: If you set extremely big and exhilarating goals, then keep them in sight at all times. Create a checklist and stick it on the walls of your room or at your work desk. This will help you stay motivated to achieve them.

4.) Set a deadline for each task: Having a deadline and limiting a timeframe for each of your task will allow you to get things done faster and better.

5) Manage your emails two times in a day: In order to check and respond to your emails on time, prioritize them in high priority and low priority emails. In the course of the whole day, keep two sessions fixed only to go through your mails. Creating a time constraint for this activity will help you stay focused. 

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