Follow these 7 rules to minimise risk of diabetes

As per the study of Ohio State University College of Medicine, one who follows at least 4 of life's simple 7 health rules and fell in the safe range of at least four of the seven factors, had a 70 per cent lower risk of developing diabetes over the next ten years.Let’s us know these seven rules which can hep us in avoiding diabetes.

1. Eat healthy

 A healthy diet can solve almost all your problems and make you healthy both mentally and physically. A healthy diet is an absolute essential for maintaining good heart health, controlling bad cholesterol, losing weight, and keeping your body healthy and fit.

2. Control cholesterol

Cholesterol can be good and bad and controlling bad cholesterol is extremely important to keep your heart healthy. Cholesterol can block arteries and also lead to high blood pressure.

3. Reduce blood sugar

Blood sugar management is one of the key components of managing diabetes and can be done by a good, healthy diet and exercise.

4. Stop Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health and smokers can develop various heart and lung problems including cancer, and these diseases can even be fatal.

5. Get active

You need to get moving to have a healthy heart, healthy mind, and healthy blood sugar levels. A good workout can help you control blood sugar levels, make you happier, and improve the quality and length of your life.

6. Lose weight

Weight management is a very important component of a healthy life. Obesity affects many people around the world and overweight can be an invitation to many diseases like heart problems, diabetes, and bad bone health.

7.Manage blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common reasons for a heart attack and stroke. It is extremely essential to manage blood pressure and keep it under control to avoid heart problems and diabetes. 

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