Follow these tips to secure your hand and feet from numbness

By sitting at the same stage and working late, the limbs become numb. This problem often occurs when there is pressure on the extremities, nerve injuries, cold things and alcohol abuse, smoking. Also, lack of nutrients such as diabetes, fatigue, vitamin B or magnesium can be caused by this problem. It can also be a sign of a major and serious disease.

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This is the reason of Numbness

Let us tell you that from Sinkai, the limbs can be saved from numbness. In addition, massaging from olive, coconut or mustard oil also gives a lot of comfort. Massaging these oils enhances blood flow in the body. First, Cenc hot water on the affected part. It helps in increasing the blood supply in the numb part. Also, it gives comfort to the muscles and nerves of that part.

This kind of advantage

Massage is the easiest and simplest way to deal with this problem when it comes to suniness in the hands or feet. It enhances blood circulation, which reduces numbness. In addition it improves the overall functioning by encouraging muses and nerves. Take a hot olive, coconut or mustard oil in your hands, and turn it into a numb part and massage it with your fingers, rotating round for five minutes.

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