Follow this solution to get rid of debt

When every person wakes up in the morning, he wishes the same and prays to God that O God can give us success, make our day a good, good job or get rich as soon as possible. Every person makes a lot of effort to succeed, but as the day progresses, if the day does not work according to the human being, then he gets frustrated and starts cursing himself. Apart from this, in the same way, he takes the help of debt to complete his work, because if you are born then there will be needs. Taking a loan to meet the needs is a natural task. But debt is such a burden in which a human being gets entangled and takes a loan again to repay the debt.

Due to not repaying the loan on time, he gets a loan again despite not wanting. The installment of the loan is more than the income and expenses of the month and this process goes on and sometimes the person goes into depression. If every person does not get the fruits according to his hard work, then it is natural to be disappointed, then let us tell you some measures which can relieve us from debt. For your information, let us often say that we work very hard, we never commit any sin and we do not bad anyone, yet our work is not good, it is also because our planetary constellations also affect us. Does matter. But if you do good deeds, then the planetary constellations will definitely have a favorable effect on you. But along with karma, we should also work on our religious rituals.

- It is believed that the fate of every person is in the lines of his hands and the lines of the hands are made according to karma, so always do virtuous work because your luck is written in the lines of hands.

First of all, after getting up in the morning, kiss the lines of your hands and turn them on your face, this creates bad luck and gets rid of debt.

- By writing the name of the Goddess or Goddess who you believe to be your Ishtah in the morning, with the finger of the right hand on your palm, the work becomes disturbed and easily get rid of debt.

Everyone wants freedom from a human being or any animal, so to eliminate your debt, buy any animal or bird imprisoned in the cage and free it from the cage, you will get freedom from debt soon.

Every Tuesday and Saturday, reciting Hanuman Chalisa by applying oil and yellow vermilion to Hanumanji, removes all the problems related to debt and calms the mind.

- By immersing two pieces of camphor ghee in your bedroom while sleeping at night, burning away the negativity of the house and relieving debt.

- Burning a lamp of mustard oil or sesame oil purifies the atmosphere of the house, which strengthens the desire to work and by slowing down all your debt goes away.

Feeding animals of their choice and feeding grains to birds also relieve debt and creates stalled work.

- Monkeys should be fed jaggery and chickpea, feeding bread to a cow, black jaggery and gram dal in flour dough, etc., can also get relief from debt.

- If you are going out of the house for any necessary work like for a job, for an interview, etc. then first wear slippers in the right foot and then in the left leg.

- While leaving the house, first take out the left foot and then the right foot, doing so increases the chances of getting success and can be easily debt-free.

- By putting a photo of Hanuman Ji flying inside the house near the main door of the house, Hanuman Ji goes outside the house with all the troubles.

- Always keep the sign of your house clean, it helps in getting rid of debt quickly.

- If you have to take a loan, then take it from another person on Wednesday and do not lend it to anyone on Tuesday. If you have given a loan on Tuesday, then you may have to take a loan.

- Offer Lord Jagdha daily to Lord Ganesha and offer jaggery flowers to Lakshmi Ji. This helps in getting rid of debt.

- On Sunday and Tuesday, donate red lentils to a poor person.

Go to the temple of Shankar and offer three bananas and chant Om loan Mukteshwar Mahadeva Namay 11 or 21 times.

Today's Horoscope: Know what your stars have in store for you

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