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Attraction is an interesting thing. For some of us, the cliched flowers and candles just won't cut it. Here are some of the quickest turn-on for Indian women.

Geekiness: Trust me when I say that some of us find the geekiness in men very hot. So, if you come across a woman who would rather spend her Friday evening watching anime, bring your inner geek out and you may be in for some serious fun!

Good shoes: Yes, we pay attention to minor details and footwear is essential. Yes, we do notice little things and clean toes turn us on because in a way it says hygiene is important and you take time out take care of yourself.

Running: A healthy man, a man who takes care of his fitness is a huge turn-on for the urban woman, who themselves have run a marathon or two in recent times.

Hands: Long fingers, clean nails, rough yet well taken care of hands - the turn-ons are varied. But always, always make sure your under nails do not have the black goo underneath them. As a friend of mine said, "those fingers have the potential to do a lot more, they better be clean."

At the end of it, just be yourself. Nothing turns us on more than a man who is comfortable in his own skin, with his own quirks.

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