Food addictive promotes Colorectal Cancer; says study

Colorectal cancer is the third most cancer in the United States and is a cause of cancer-related deaths as well. A new research  that was published in the journal Cancer Research suggests that a very common food additive might play a role in the development of Colorectal Cancer.

The risk factors for developing the condition include inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. IBD and colorectal cancer have an alteration in the gut microbiota.

An overview of recent scientific literature shows that changes in the microbiota have become increasingly associated with colorectal cancer.

This is why Dr. Emilie Viennois, assistant professor at the Georgia State University Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Atlanta, believes there might be a connection between a common food additive that alters intestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer.

"The incidence of colorectal cancer has been markedly increasing since the mid-20th century. A key feature of this disease is the presence of an altered intestinal microbiota that creates a favorable niche for tumorigenesis." Dr. Emilie Viennois

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