Food for clear glowing skin, be the pretty you

It does not matter which gender you belong to, your skin breaking, pimples, acne, dark circles, and wrinkles are a problem of all, regardless if we show it or not, they always bother whenever you look at the mirror. 

We all know how important is to eat healthy food, however, what some might not know is the fact how much eating unhealthy impacts your skin. What you eat significantly impacts your overall health and skin. Yes, genetics does play an important role in everything however, it can still be undone if you follow a proper lifestyle. 

Even though there are plenty of cosmetic options that you can explore and make use of, however, it just can not be compared with healthy and naturally glowing skin. Researchers have found that fitting certain healthy foods into your daily routine can help fight back against your complexion woes by turning off inflammatory genes and providing your body with the proper tools to strengthen and build healthy tissues.

Give your skin a sigh of relief by including these foods in your diet:

Walnuts: Brimming with antioxidants and vitamin B, walnuts help protect your skin against environmental aggressors such as sun exposure, dirt, pollution and other impurities. This in turn prevents skin damage and the appearance of premature fine lines and wrinkles. Walnuts have vitamin B5 and vitamin E that helps in skin brightening and pore tightening. Vitamin B5 clears dark spots and tans; making your skin glow. Vitamin E at the same time repairs your skin. You get clear, soft, and hydrated skin with an even skin tone and bright complexion.

Carrots: Get your glow on by eating more carrots! The same beta carotene that gives carrots their orange colour will brighten your skin and make it glow. Remember not to consume carrots in excess, as they can cause your skin to temporarily turn yellowish-orange in colour. The vitamin A found in carrot juice also helps keep body tissue, eyes, bones and teeth healthy.

Dark Chocolate: It is rich in flavonoids that prevent skin damage, boost collagen production and promote cell health. Plus, its high zinc content helps prevent acne. In one study, flavonols in dark chocolate even improved skin hydration and thickness—both mega important for young-looking skin. Portions matter: Though the right dark chocolate clearly has concrete beauty benefits, you have to keep portion control in mind.

Green Tea: One of the major catechins in green tea has been shown to be the most effective agent against skin inflammation and cancerous changes in the skin. Green Tea contributes to skin whitening due to the presence of antioxidants which benefits skin complexion. It helps in removing toxins from the body which makes skin whiter and reduces dullness. Combine green tea leaves with raw milk and rose water.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes help reduce the oiliness of the skin, but it doesn't affect the natural oils needed for your skin. In fact, it perfectly balances the moisture that your skin needs, so even if you have relatively dry skin, you can use tomatoes on your face to hydrate it and give it a natural glow. 

Oranges: Oranges are extremely rich in Vitamin C, which helps to even out your skin tone and texture by supporting the production of Collagen. By restoring the elasticity in your skin, your complexion becomes firmer, tauter and wrinkles are banished.

Chia Seeds: The cooling benefits of chia calm inflammation. - Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these tiny seeds have a healing effect on the skin that offers protection against acne-causing bacteria and helps diminish blemishes. In addition to helping prevent heart disease, these essential fats strengthen your skin, hair, and nails.

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