Good Nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Being Physically healthy means that your body is functioning as it should, without pain, discomfort, or lack of capabilities. So, here are the amazing benefits of eating some healthy food items are:- 1. HONEY May Prevent Cancer And Heart Diseases. Reduces Cough And Throat Infection Reduces Ulcers And Other Gastrointestinal Disorders. Heals Wounds And Burns. Boosts Memory. 2. BANANA May Improve Digestive Health. May Improve Kidney Health. Blood Sugar Will Stabilise. Bones Will Grow Stronger. May Support Heart Health. 3. COCONUT Moisturizes Skin. Improves Digestion. Reduces Cellulite. Burns Fat. 4. PINEAPPLE Supports Immune System. Prevent Cancer. Prevent Arthritis. Improves Digestion. Also Read: Regular intake of 'Grapes' may provide a protective effect from Alzheimer's Food items to avoid on empty stomach! Be aware! Permanent hearing loss can be caused by 'Popping Balloons'!