Forehead wrinkles, a major symptom of Artherosclerosis

You might have often seen the adults around you devbelop lines or wrinkles on their heads. These wrinkles are often linked to the stress that people go through in their routine.

Studies made regarding the same, suggested that these wrinkles that are developed on the forehead are actually symptoms that hint us to risk of atherosclerosis. Artherosclerosis is a cardiovascular condition that often becomes a major cause of heart attack or stroke.

In Artherosclerosis, the arteries that carry blood become hard due to deposition of plague on themand tend to rupture, on increasing pressure. The arteries become narrow and and there may come a point when the arteries may get blocked and stop carrying blood.


Artheroscleroosis in its worse stages may deprive our major organs like brain, kidney etc from blood and may even result in an organ failure.


Similarly if inadequate amount of blood is supplied to the coronary arteries (arteries that supply blood to the heart) the heart may reduce its function and hence may lead to CAD (coronary heart disease).

Artherosclerosis is majorly caused due to smoking, high cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, age, and often due to heredity factors.

Developing wrinkles on the forehead is another symptom to be informed about artherosclerosis.  Since forehead wrinkles are majorly develop when the patient has an issue of high cholesterol or hypertension, which inturn causes artherosclerosis.

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