Indian envoys slam Canadian authorities for vote bank politics

New Delhi: Former High Commissioner to Canada Vishnu Prakash slammed Trudeau for "gratuitously wading" into ongoing protests by Indian farmers. He said that he has given fan to the fumes.   This state of the High commissioner came days after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made remarks on the farmers' agitation in the wake of the recently enacted farm laws.

In an open letter, The former diplomat wrote, "Yet the fact remains that not unoften, bilateral political equations develop stress, due to the propensity of certain Canadian political parties and leaders to engage in vote bank politics." The letter further reads,  "It is well known that the separatist and violent Khalistani elements carry out anti-India activities, from the safety of the Canadian soil. They are also radicalising the Canadian youth with far-reaching consequences, which is being ignored at the altar of short-term political expediency."

Vishnu Prakash also wrote that Khalistani elements in Canada control a number of prominent Gurudwaras which gives them access to substantial funds,some of which are allegedly diverted to the electoral campaign of political parties especially the Liberals. They hold rallies and other events where anti-India slogans are raised.

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