6 hacks to prepare GENERAL KNOWLEDGE for competitive exam !


General knowledge section forms a very important part of a competitive exam. Every competitive exam has a very large share of general knowledge. It is not possible to cover the whole topics in few days. Hundreds of years of information can’t be learn without a proper planning.

It is a long process and requires lots of time and patience. So, here are some tips that will help you to learn general knowledge easily:

1. Do not try to mug up, try to form a story which will help you to understand the process and learning will become easy. Absorbing the information becomes easy when it is presented in story form as one part of it links to other.

2. Learn section wise, do not jumble up the entire topic divide it according to different disciples and then work on each of them. This will not just help you to learn quickly but also you will be able to secure more marks.

3. Make small notes while study, this will speed up the learning process and will also help in easy revision during the time of exams. Keep a pen and notebook always with you and even highlight some important topics.

4. Be attentive and alert even the slightest of the information should catch your mind. Even details given on the packet of food item should attract your attention.

5. Be positive and do not let any negative thought come in between. If you cannot learn a particular topic take a break and give a new fresh start.

6. Make a time table and prepare accordingly. Start studying just for few hours in a day and then increase it as your learning capacity increases. Do not start by making large target it will make you exhausted.



These General Knowledge questions will help you in Competitive Exams!!

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