German 'Big Brother' show contestants given information about corona virus

During the show, the participants of the popular reality show 'Big Brother' of Germany were given complete information about the on camera Kovid-19 epidemic. These participants entered the house of 'Big Brother' about a month ago and during this time the first case of Kovid-19 was confirmed in Wuhan, China. The members of the house had no idea about what kind of situation is going on in the country and the world in the last few weeks.

According to media reports, more than 6,000 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Germany and 13 people have been reported dead. To make them aware of this frightening situation of the world, this video was shown in which members were also allowed to ask questions to the resident doctor of the show. The participants were also shown video messages of their family members. During this time many participants started crying, they have started worrying about the world and their close ones.

The makers of the show faced a lot of criticism from the audience for keeping 14 men and women indoors away from the current situation, after which they decided to give full information about the members. On March 9, four members who were present inside the house were also told not to talk to the rest about the coronavirus.

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