Get a pedicure at home

Girls take full care of the beauty of their faces and hands. But forgets to take care of the beauty of their feet. Because of which the dirt gets stored on the feet. Many people spend a lot of me money to get pedicure, but we will tell you that there is no need to go to the parlor to get a pedicure

.You can do the pedicure at home only. How to do the pedicure at home- material - Big bowl, sink or tub, hot water, nail polish remover, cotton and nail clipper, pumice stone for the scrub, Lupa and pine apple bark, any natural oil and foot cream.

1-To pedicure first removes the nail polish on your feet with the help of Nail Remover.Now fill hot water in a tub and mix some pieces of pineapple Piece in it. If you want, you can put rose petals in it. Now keep your feet dipped for about 15 minutes in this tub.

2- To remove the feet's dead skin, scrub the hard parts of the feet by rubbing it with some fine Lupa or pine apple bark.

3-Now keep the feet dipped in water for a little while. Now apply the natural oil to the feet. 4- Now cut the nails of your feet and give it a shape. Now massage your feet with natural oil or apply foot cream. 5- Finally put your favorite nail polish on your feet nails.

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