Get relief from Back Pain by just doing Yoga

“Yoga does not remove us from the reality or responsibilities of everyday life but rather places our feet firmly and resolutely in the practical ground of experience. We don't transcend our lives; we return to the life we left behind in the hopes of something better.” ~ Donna Farhi

It is said that there is no age to get knowledge likewise back pain is common; it can develop at any time and at any age. If you woke up with a compact back pain, your desk job has you hurtful. If something hurts, just take a deep breath, move slowly and pay attention.

People usually go to doctor for quick relief although they got it, but medication is temporary relief, you can’t take it for a long time. But Yoga is the most relaxing and permanent way to get rid of it .Do simple asana poses any time your back devoir a little extra care and love.

Do these series of yoga to get rid from back pain:

1.Standing Forward Bend: Tight back and neck from sitting whole day on a single desk or everyday stress? It will help you to release the muscles around the spine and neck.

Stand with your feet parallel Fold forward over your legs and allow your back to release toward the ground. Come back to normal position and repeat.

2.Cow face pose:It will help to reduce lower back pain and opens the hips

Sit erect, cross one knee behind other & rest it outside of the opposite calf. Keep your back knee pressed forward ,open out ankles out to the side Lower your hips to sit down between the heels.

3.Reclining Knee to Chest Pose: Simple and easy start for releasing tension in your back. Help to reduce hips and back pain.

Lie down on your back keeping your arms and legs straight. Lift right knee into your chest, hold shin with both hands, push the knee closer to your chest. Come back on starting position and do with left knee.

             4. Reclining single leg twist: It is a great opener for the muscles. Helps to release muscles along   the spine and ribs.

Go down on your back keeping legs and arms straight. Lift right knee into your chest and keep either the knee or outside of your foot with your opposite hand. Roll your knee across your body to the floor and reach apposite arm out perpendicular to your body. Come back and repeat with left one.

         5. Reclining half ankle to knee:This one is good for both hips and lower back.No need to force anything,go with ease.

Go down on your back, feet planted after your hip and knees up. Lift your one knee near to your chest and open your hip,placing ankle on your opposite thigh just over the knee. Lifting your foot off the ground and reach your arms forward to hold your shin and draw knee towards chest.


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