Get rid of blackheads problem by using egg white

Due to the increasing pollution and dirt, the skin has to face many problems. One of these problems is the problem of Black Heads ...This problem is mostly on the nose. Due to which the nose starts to look black. Today, we are going to tell you about some of the things you can use to get rid of the problem of blackheads. 

1- Use Egg White to get rid of Black Heads problem. Allow egg whites to dry on the nose. When it is dry, clean it with tissue paper.Using it for 10-12 days will solve the problem of your blackheads. 

2- Mix a little honey in the nibkin and apply it on your nose. Clean it up after half an hour scrubbing it. If you do this regularly, the problem of blackheads will be overcome. 

3- The use of baking soda can also be rid of the problem of blackheads. Mix a little water into baking soda. Wash your face with cold water when it gets dry. Doing this will remove your Blackheads problem.

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