Get shiny and lustrous hair by using these hair growths and repairing mask

It is no doubt this versatile dish is the first and the foremost remedy for beautiful, lush hair and to combat almost all the hair problems. With Zinc, vitamin E, proteins and lactic acid present, yoghurt does wonders to your hair in myriad ways. Saying that, let’s have a look at this excellent hair care product that effectively promotes hair growth and strengthens it.

Hair conditioner

Keeping your hair healthy and avoiding breakage is an essential part of hair growth. And here, yoghurt simply comes as a boon. Rich in vitamin B5 and containing anti-bacterial agents, yoghurt is an excellent tonic to boost hair growth.


Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 cup yoghurt and set aside. Make a mix of lemon juice and water in a jug. After you shampoo your hair, apply yogurt-oil hair mask to your damp hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Next, rinse the hair with the cool or normal water (whatever suits you as per the outside temperature). Follow this up by rinsing your hair again with lemon water. Repeat the process for at least thrice a month. You are all set for a manageable hair after this.

Hair moisturiser

The protein content in aloe vera and yoghurt keeps your hair hydrated by moisturising it. Amino acids in aloe vera help maintain healthy roots.


Make a mixture of yoghurt, honey and aloe vera. Apply the smooth paste on your hair from the roots to the tips of your hair in sections till your hair is entirely covered in the mixture. Leave for about 30-40 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You can add a banana to this mask if you have dry hair. or strawberries if you have greasy hair. The pack is extremely beneficial for healthy hair growth.

Dandruff defence

Dandruff means irritated and flaky scalp which affects and actually damages your hair. So, the need of the hour is to have hair growth from a healthy scalp. Fenugreek and yoghurt together can weave magic into your hair. Anti-fungal properties of yoghurt unclog hair follicles and help tackle the dandruff issue. They are also the best-known ingredients to maintain scalp health.


Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind the seeds in the morning and mix it with yoghurt. Apply the paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it in for half an hour and then rinse it with lukewarm water. You will find relief from the itching and scratching of your scalp. 

Fights frizz

Frizzy hair can be annoying as it averts hair growth and tends to fall more. Well, taming such hair is no walk in the park. But with yoghurt by your side, you can ward off the frizz and prevent the damage to the cuticles. Nutrients present in the rich and creamy yoghurt treat your dry hair and make it soft and shiny. 


Make a moisturising and conditioning hair pack using the pulp of a completely ripe banana. Leave the mixture on your hair for 20 minutes. Do it twice every week. This awesome recipe will combat the frizziness and control those fly-aways for sure. 

Hair fall control 

It’s all because of the unhealthy scalp and clogging of follicles that you face hair fall or hair loss. So, what we need is to make your scalp healthy, which in turn will boost hair growth. Yoghurt, for its rich properties, can be useful to nourish the tissues and work excellently towards hair fall control.


Make a plain yoghurt hair pack. You can use fresh or sour yoghurt for this. After the application, massage the yoghurt on your scalp for around 5 minutes. Let it sit for an hour. Then, rinse with lukewarm water. It will damage-proof your hair and prevent it from falling. 

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