Get that 'Butt' in shape with these exercises for Women!

Top 10 Butt Exercises For Women

Thinking of shaping that butt and getting in shape? Try these butt exercises

# Resistance Band Side Steps Place a looped resistance band around your thighs and stand in a semi-squatted position with core engaged and your feet about hip width apart. Take a large out to the side step with one leg. Then a step with the other leg to return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times in each direction. # Single Leg Bridges Lie on your back with your core engaged, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Now, extend one knee to raise your leg straight into the air. Pushing through the heel of the foot on the ground, raise your hips into a bridge position. Return to the starting position, but make sure not to rest your hips on the ground until you’ve completed all reps. Repeat 10 times on each leg. #  Mule Pushes Take a tabletop position with your core engaged and hands and knees on the ground. Now, raise one leg, with your knee bent, so that your thigh is parallel to the ground. Squeeze the glute muscles to raise your leg higher. # Single Leg Squats Stand on one leg with core engaged. Push your hips back while bending the knee into a squatting position. Be careful to keep your knee behind the toe. Return to standing. Complete 10 times on each leg. # Side Lying Leg Lifts Lie on your side with your core engaged, hips stacked, and the toe of your top leg pointed slightly downward. Squeeze your glutes to raise the top leg. Return to start Repeat 10 times on each side. # Single Leg Deadlifts Stand on one leg with your core engaged. Squeeze your glutes to raise the other leg straight back behind you as your torso tips forward. Your legs and torso should form the letter T. Return to the starting position Repeat 10 times on each leg. # Curtsy Lunges Stand with feet hip width apart and core engaged. Lunge to the rear and opposite side. Press through the heel of the balancing leg to return to the start postion. Repeat 10 times on each side.

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