Girl wants her life back after death

Yes, you read the title right. Here we are going to talk about a brave girl who not only fought with a dreadful disease called cancer at the tender age of 14 but also won a one of its kind court case.

A fourteen year old girl who has been suffering from cancer filed for a court case in order to brought back to life as she was critically ill and was about to die soon. The girl, named as JS, wanted her body to be cryogenically frozen after her death. She earlier discussed her thoughts with parents, who were divorced, and she was backed by her mother although her father didn't agree to the idea of his daughter's body to be frozen after her death.

Addressing the court in a heart wrenching letter she said, "I don’t want to die but I know I am going to...I want to live longer...I want to have this chance. I want to live and live longer and I think that in the future they might find a cure for my cancer and wake me up." Due her parents not agreeing on the same she seeked for court's permission and as her mother was supportive of her decision she wanted all the decisions regarding her body should be taken by her. 

After her death at a London hospital her body is been cryogenically frozen as the Judge Mr. Justice Jackson fulfilled her wish. "She was a brilliand and sensitive girl." as described by the Judge. As soon as she was diagnosed with a peculiar kind of cancer last year and was told her life is very short she started to research about cryogenically techniques where dead body is frozen to be brought back to life after treatment in about 100 to 200 years. 

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