Make glitter lipstick at home in this way!

A glitter trend is a great place in the beauty industry these days. Glitter Lipstick, Glitter Highlight, Glitter eyeshadow- Glitter is the only one that's loved it these days. You'll also be searching for it in the market, but you can also make it at home. If you apply less makeup all over your face and apply only glittery lipstick, you may look extremely attractive. So learn how to make Glitter Lipstick at home.

White hair at an early age is troublesome so do adopt these traditional methods! You'll need:

2 1/2 tsp pure coconut oil 2 1/2 tsp Shea butter 4 teaspoons wax or twenty wax 15 Drops Your Favorite Essential Oil 1 teaspoon Mika powder (coloured of your choice) Half a teaspoon of molten edible crayon or cosmetic colour


Heat the coconut oil in a double boiler manner and slowly mix the Shia butter.

Now add edible crayon or cosmetic colour and let it melt.

Take off from the flame and cool it.

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When cooled, add Mika powder and essential oil. Keep shaking so that clots don't become.

Let it freeze. After setting it, put a little on your wrist and sniff. Add the mixture again in a double boiler to add colour to your preference. Add more colour to the darker colour and add more wax to lighten the colour of the mixture.

Flip it into a glass box and allow it to freeze.

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