Glow your face with red sandalwood

Nowadays due to dust dirt and pollution, the facial skin has a very bad effect. Due to all these things the problem of pimples and black stains on skin is lost and the skin glow is lost somewhere. In order to overcome all these problems in the market, many beauty products are available, but in the beauty product available in the market, there is plenty of chemicals available which can damage the skin instead of the benefits. So instead of using chemical products, use face packs filled with natural things at home. Red sandalwood is very beneficial for our skin. Using it, all the problems related to the skin are dispelled and the skin gets beautiful.  

1- To make your skin beautiful, mix coconut oil in red sandalwood powder and apply it on your face. Wash it with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Applying this face pack will moisturize your skin inside and shine in your skin. 

2- To remove the problem of oily skin, apply lemon juice in red sandalwood powder on your face. Wash it with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Applying this paste will clear the extra oil in your skin and you will get a new flavor. 


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