Google alert Reputed Names on Hacker's vision on their Accounts

It seems though the main feature of hacking has begun on reputation, money, and flair to gain more while doing the same. Now it has been revealed exclusively by Google that the hackers from across the world can target the monetary accounts of reputed names. The Google has warned Journalist, Professors and Scientists to control their monetary accounts wit great care as the hackers wish to target their accounts reasonably with unique plans.

Google has revealed that the research community and intellectual property has been targeted by the virtual hackers. This fact has been revealed after the Jamaican hacker Those Velbert was caught while tracking out three regional authors and making money from their accounts. The similar instances have been witnessed in Sidney and Amsterdam in October 2016.

Apart from this fact, the hackers have been caught releasing information’s in secret codes about targeting the intellectual community with planning against those reputed  names who contain heavy money status across worldwide in a present which includes journalists, Professors, Scientists, Authors and Computer Programming agents in the field of globalization indeed. These hackers have been also caught releasing safety measurement so the current CIBER unit of Interpol won't be able to track them down. In this way, People around the world need to be aware and measurably taking care of their own monetary property, so they don't face serious damage through the masterminds around the world known as hackers.

This is necessary to as the hackers surely require more money, so they are willing to  target as far they can across the world in present.  We need to know how we deal our identity in the name of cash secured in our bank accounts Otherwise we won't even realize where it has gone, though...

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