Google to launch Chrome Ad Blocker worldwide from July 9

The ad blocker embedded in Google Chrome will start operating worldwide from July 9, 2019. Previously, low-quality ad filtering was only available to Chrome users in North America and Europe.

When you visit pages with poor quality ads through Chrome, the filter will stop the display of ads. In this case, the user will see a message that the ad is blocked, and "may allow the display of ads on this site." "

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Remember that after the company joined the coalition for better advertising (combine for best advertising), Google introduced an "undoing" and "intrusive" ad blocker in its browser in February 2018. According to coalition standards, 12 types of advertising fall under the criteria of "intrusion" advertising. For desktop platform: pop-up window, video ads with sound, countdown banners, large fixed blocks. For mobile sites: pop-ups, pop-up animated ads, ads that capture more than 30% of screens, full-screen banners, countdown ads, autoplays with sound, ads attached to the ad page, scrolling ads.

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