Green Gram loaded with nutritional values and benefits in these diseases


Strong evidence reported that mung beans’ nutrition contains significant anti-diabetic effect, which can naturally help in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. A 2008 study, conducted by the Institute of Crop Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, reported that when rats were given mung bean supplements, the rats experienced lowered plasma C-peptide, blood glucose, total cholesterol, glucagon, and triglyceride levels. Also, the rats increased their insulin responsiveness and significantly improved their glucose tolerance.


Proteins are not just important for muscle and bone health, but, they also help in protecting the liver against damage. Mung beans are known to be one of the best sources of proteins for vegetarians. You must eat mung beans daily to keep your liver safe. Proteins help ensure the proper functioning of biliverdin and bilirubin in liver, and also keep the liver safe from jaundice.

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High levels of amino acids including polyphenols and oligosaccharides that can be found in mung beans, are the main contributors to their antioxidant power, which can help in fighting cancer. In clinical studies, mung beans were reported to have anti-tumor activity and are able to protect dangerous cell mutation and DNA damage.


Mung beans help in preventing the unhealthy LDL oxidation of cholesterol, and in balancing the cholesterol levels because of the presence of antioxidants. The antioxidants present in Mung beans helps in decreasing inflammation and in protecting the blood vessels from damage. LDL leads to heart disease and green gram helps in preventing this..

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