Know easiest home remedy to control sugar

In today's time there are many people who have many types of diseases. In such a situation, sugar is also a disease and its problem is mild to see in every other person in today's time. In such a situation, the immunity power of our body decreases due to the time of sugar, due to which any disease engulfs our body easily. Let everyone tell you that to keep sugar in control, medicines have to be consumed regularly, because it is very dangerous. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you a domestic recipe to control it, which you can do anytime. Let's know.

Essential Ingredients: Green Onion with Roots, Pure Water

Method of use: For this, first of all, clean the green onion with its roots so that the soil stored in it is removed. Now after that pour water in a vessel and put green onion in it and leave it for 24 hours. The next day filter the onion with water and consume this water. Keep in mind that you can consume this water two or three times a day. At the same time, by consuming this water regularly, within a few days your sugar level will come in control and after that you will not need medicines gradually and your sugar will always be under control.

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