A woman attempts suicide as the husband gives Triple Talaq

Recently, a case of crime has come to light from Ahmedabad. In this case, a Muslim woman attempted to commit suicide on Tuesday evening after allegedly divorced by husband three times. Yes, at the same time, the Parliament passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Marriage Rights) Bill, which criminalized the practice of triple talaq, and the woman was divorced. In this case, the woman has attempted to commit suicide by eating a rat-killing drug.

The woman has been discharged from the hospital on Wednesday morning and the woman told reporters, "Last evening my husband asked me to bring Rs 20,000 from my father which I refused. He got angry and grabbed my little daughter and slammed her to the ground. After that, I left home with my two daughters and went to my mother's house," the woman said, "Then my husband came to my parents' house and divorced me three times. Disappointed, I tried to take my own life," said the woman, a resident of the Karanja area of the old city, "Under Islamic law, I am now divorced and I have to accept it. Even though I want justice.'

According to the information received in the case, after the woman was admitted to the hospital, her father has lodged a complaint against her husband under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code and only divorced in the complaint, according to Inspector of Police, Karanj Police Station, F.M. Naik. Referring to the threat. He said there is no mention of triple talaq but the police have already started investigating from that angle.

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