No Corona patient found on eighth day of lockdown, city gets sigh of relief

Gwalior: Wednesday has been a day of relief for Gwalior. On the eighth day of the lockdown, for the first time, the police showed such strictness that every shop remained closed from the main market to the street, and no one could be seen outside the house. People did not get out of the houses after 9 o'clock in the morning, so the risk of infection was less. On the other hand, samples of 48 suspected patients sent for investigation from JAH, District Hospital have come negative. No new corona patients have been found in the city since eight days. On the other hand, reports of adequate stock of flour and medicines are also coming to the city soon. The big thing is that in view of the danger, quarantine centers have also been found to keep five thousand people.

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During the total lockdown to defeat the coronavirus, the streets of the city have been completely deserted for the first time. The reason for this is being told to the police sticks. Those who tried to spoil the system from morning were rung. Whether it is vegetable people, grocery stores or common people. Even at the milk shop, crowds were seen, they were banished through sticks. From the morning when the sharp attitude of the police was seen, people did not leave the houses themselves. By 9 o'clock in the morning, even though the milk shops got relaxed, the strictness was so that there was no crowd. The effect of the strictness done from the morning remained throughout the day. That is, on the first day of the 48-hour total shutdown, the administration managed to keep the confines of the mess.

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In the afternoon there was a curfew view on many streets of the city. This strictness is seen for the first time after March 22, when the corona in Indore is wreaking havoc continuously. Seeing the situation there, now more strictness has been done here. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has locked the entire country till April 14, but markets were opening in Gwalior for 6 hours in the morning like normal days, crowds were overflowing. Due to which the threat of corona infection was hovering over the city, due to this, so strictness was made from Wednesday.

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