Bad weather in Haryana, rain started

Hisar: The weather has changed its color once again on Friday, March 20, 2020 due to the effect of western disturbance. The dark clouds in the sky and thunderstorms in the afternoon increased the concern of the farmers facing the weather. According to the Meteorological Department, the weather is going to be variable on 21, 23, 25 and 26 March. The effects of western disturbance, which came for the fourth time this month in the state, started showing from Friday.

According to the Meteorological Department, Hisar remained under mild cloud throughout the day. There was drizzle in Rewari in the afternoon, while Hisar had strong winds in the night. Farmers who have suffered from hail and unseasonal rains are now engaged in harvesting their remaining mustard. According to the information, if it rains, then they may have trouble. During this time, the temperature may fall down to 5-6 degrees.

It has also been said that this fluctuating weather can also be dangerous for health, because in such a situation there is a risk of increasing virus infection. Dr. Madan Khichar, President of the Agricultural Meteorological Department of Haryana Agricultural University, told that the weather will be variable on March 21, 23, 25 and 26 due to the partial impact of Western Disturbance. During this period, there will be possibility of drizzle or light rain with occasional cloudy or gusty winds and thunder flashes.

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