Smoking is a habit that does not spare lakhs of effort. Every man is troubled by this bad habit, but let us tell you that this bad habit can be overcome by an easy solution, and that is the eggplant. Yes, if you have a cigarette habit and you want to get rid, then you can get rid of these methods. Know how to get rid of this habit with eggplant.  

Skin cancer - Antioxidant is found in brinjal which protects against skin cancer. Apart from this, it is low calorie. There is plenty of water available in it. Because of this, eggplant can be a good diet for people with obesity.

Diabetes - Fiber is found in it, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and also controls the absorption of glucose. Therefore, it is also good for patients of eggplant type 2 diabetes.

Turn off hair loss - If you are worried about the problem of hair fall then eat brinjal. It gives moisture to hair roots and the hair does not break down.

Increase Iron -  Iron deficiency affects the body in several ways. Know that abundant iron is found in eggplant.

Keeping the heart-care - Brinjal controls the growing cholesterol level and also keeps the blood pressure level well. This reduces the risk of heart diseases.  

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