Having dinner before 9 pm reduces the breast and prostate cancer risk

Not only the food but timing of intaking it can also affect our health. Now, according to a study, having your last meal before 9 pm or at least two hours before going to bed could lower the risk of breast and prostate cancer. The reseach claims, people who take their evening meal before 9 pm or wait at least two hours before going to sleep have approximately 20 per cent lower risk of those types of cancers compared to those who eat after 10 pm or those who go to bed right after the meal.

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lead author Manolis Kogevinas from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in Spain, "Our study concludes that adherence to diurnal eating patterns is associated with a lower risk of cancer. "The findings highlight the importance of assessing circadian rhythms in studies on diet and cancer.”

Researchers analysed data from 621 cases of prostate cancer and 1,205 cases of breast cancer, as well as 872 male and 1,321 female controls.

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The research claims that long-term late-night snacking may have the similar effect to night-shift work and circadian disruption. Kogevinas said,"If the findings are confirmed, they will have implications for cancer prevention recommendations, which currently do not take meal timing into account,"


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