Most of the women are unaware of deficiency of vitamin D deficiency, know here

Vitamin D falls in the fat-soluble vitamin group, which enhances the body's ability to absorb calcium and phosphate. The body also produces vitamin D from cholesterol in sunlight.

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That is why it is often called sunshine vitamin. By taking adequate amount of vitamin D, along with children, you also get the energy required for your daily activities. And women need energy very much, because they have to fulfill the dual responsibilities of home and office.

Feeling tired: There can be many reasons for feeling tired, tired and lethargic, but vitamin D is also a big reason for this problem. If you too often feel tired, then it is not right for you to ignore this sign.

Frequent cold-cough: If you suffer from cold, cold, cough etc., then there may be deficiency of Vitamin D in your body. So take as much vitamin D-rich diet as you can.

Stress: Women whose body is deficient in Vitamin D. She is often depressed and stressed. Yes, vitamin D plays an important role in our mood and stress. Vitamin D helps prevent depression. It can be a sign of vitamin D if you also have depression.

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Staying sick often: Vitamin D keeps the body strong by protecting the body from outside danger so that our immune system is strong and we do not get sick again and again. That is, vitamin D makes our immunity strong. But if your body is deficient in vitamin D then your immunity will become weak and you will start getting sick again and again with slight change in the weather. In this way, your body gives you an indication that you are deficient in Vitamin D.

Pain in bones and muscles: Vitamin D is very important for the health of our bones because calcium is absorbed by its help. And if you are often suffering from pain in bones, back or muscles, then it is a sign of vitamin D deficiency in your body. Get alerted immediately and contact the doctor.

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