If you keep sitting for hours with your mobile, then definitely read this...

If you also stick to your mobile or laptop for hours, then definitely read this news. Using youth gadgets more than necessary and work in the same position for a long time affects your health. They are more likely to get 'reparative injury'. But there is no need to worry as it can be easily avoided by adopting good nutrition and rich exercise. Experts believe that most people of this age travel to the office on long journeys and keep on social media on the way. After this, spend most of the day sitting in the same seat. They work on computers or laptops, sitting for long meetings. Even after reaching home uses the gadget.

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It is worth noting that like all the organs, the spine remains healthy if it is in use. But due to today's lifestyle, not only old age people but also young people are getting the problem, because they are living such a life in which they are completely dependent on gadgets. Dr. Bhanot says that "Cervical spine such as slip discs, repetitive stress injury, back pain, and ligament injuries are a common problem seen in most young people."

Do you know that long-term use of gadgets in the spine pushes pressure on the bones. Dr. Bhanot explains, "This increases the risk of a sprain in the ligament that binds the vertebra. In this case, the muscles become hard and there is an increased risk of a problem in the disc. Most people are less than 40 years old but have a serious spine problem and repetitive stress-energy is the most common. "

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