Poor lifestyle causes DVT problem, know more about it

Many times joint replacement surgeries performed in cases of severe type of accident can also result in free tissue fat, which causes DVT. In fact, the greatest risk of DVT is when the clot reaches the lungs with blood. This process is called pulmonary embolism.

Why is DVT a problem

Most people do not do manual labor nowadays. They also keep them safe from walking, which can be the reason for DVT. Apart from this, the consumption of junk food and tobacco etc. is also increasing this problem. Due to this, all the youth and children have started getting caught in it.

What happens

Due to DVT, the supply of blood in the affected organ starts to affect. This causes pain, swelling and heaviness in the affected limb. According to experts, when clots are formed in DVT, there can be difficulty in breathing suddenly when they reach the langs. If they reach the heart or brain, then they can cause heart attack or stroke.

Learn treatment

Nowadays DVT is also detected by ultrasound. Doctors believe that by using this method they can detect small clots. Thrombosis can also be detected by examining the blood. This is considered a very good method. One such test which measures the level of by-products of clotting material is called D-dimer and it is very popular nowadays. When you are sitting, do various leg exercises like rotating the eddy, moving the toes, as this will not collect blood in the feet and blood flow will remain in the body continuously.

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