6 Changes happen to your body when you sleep-drunk

Sleep, when drunk, may come to you easily and quickly. It is a general human tendency. However, your sleep is not even close to the relaxed one. Alcohol has the capacity to agitate your body’s chemistry, thus, it hay-wire your entire sleep mechanism.  Let's have a look at what happens to your body when you sleep drunk.

A distressed slumber If you sleep drunk, you might fall asleep too quickly but this will negatively affect the latter half of your sleep. Drinking in excess also makes you distressed and tired. This may translate to an increased pulse rate, which may further lead to increased anxiety.

Delay in the onset of REM sleep Rapid Eye Movement or REM is a restorative sleep. It allows the brain to calm stress and process the emotions and memories you made during the day. Alcohol wrecks the body’s functioning, it reduces REM sleep cycles to just 1 or 2.

Loud snoring Consuming alcohol makes your body muscles relax, including throat muscles. When you fall asleep with relaxed throat muscles, you tend to snore loudly.

Elevated heart rate You may think that alcohol intake helps you have a peaceful sleep. But it is not! The body’s nervous system becomes more active and the heart rate increases. This state of your body and mind leaves you stressed and restless the following day.

Frequent peeing The ‘regenerative sleep’ after alcohol consumption leaves you impatient the whole night. As alcohol is diuretic, it directly affects your kidneys. This makes you pee more frequently and is harmful to your kidney health.

More sweating It makes you sweat more, causing you to feel dehydrated when you wake up the next morning.

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