Healthy and nutrition tips for your kids this winter

Winters are cold and chilly. Keeping warm during winter is essential especially for your kids. When the temperature drops and the air becomes freezing cold, your kids need to remain active and endure extreme weather conditions.

Winter is a time when your kids are vulnerable and exposed to catching a deadly virus and now it's too dangerous as coronavirus is infecting them and it's a deadly virus. Hence, it is important to strictly follow a healthy and nutritious regime to survive the cold. Changes in the season mean changes in the human body cycle relating to sleep, food, and exercise. If you are concerned about your child’s health during winter, here are some tips to follow for an easy-going winter process for your children.

Sweet potatoes

Your kid’s diet has proven to be miraculous for a strong and healthy child. Sweet potato is packed with vitamin A and it can be added to all kinds of recipes and dishes. 

Drink hot water

Drinking hot water can immediately kill all the bacterias in your mouth, throat, or your stomach. 

Citrus fruits

Eating citrus fruits that are loaded with vitamin c is extremely essential for your child. Include fruits like oranges, kiwi, guavas, and pomegranates in their diet.

Winter squash

Butternut squash is packed with vitamin A, it is essential to promote the overall well being of your child. Squashes are extremely beneficial for health and they taste good.


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