This British soldier had chance to kill Hitler

There is hardly any person in the world who will not know Hitler. Nevertheless, Hitler was a German dictator, who is considered one of the most cruel dictators in the world. It was Hitler, who caused the Second World War, in which millions of soldiers and ordinary citizens lost their lives. The most gruesome example of Hitler's brutality was the 'Austaviz Camp', which was called the Nazi concentration camp. It is said that about 1 million people lost their lives in its concentration camps, mostly Jews. You can think that if Hitler had not been there, the lives of millions of people would have survived. Today we are going to tell you about an English soldier who could have killed Hitler before destroying the world, but he did not do so.

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The name of this British soldier was Henry Tandy. Born on 30 August 1891, Henry's life story is also strange. He was born not in a hospital or home but in a hotel. He spent a part of his childhood in an orphanage before becoming a boiler attendant in a hotel. He was admitted to the army in 1910 and from here the success story of his military life begins. Henry Tandy had fought many battles and was also injured many times, but it was his passion that every time he stood up. He met Hitler in a village in France in the year 1918, when World War I was about to end. However, Hitler was also involved in the war as a soldier at that time.

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Something like that happened that Hitler was lying in an injured state. He had a gun in his hand, but at that time he was unable to operate it. Meanwhile, while fighting, Henry also reached there somehow. He saw a soldier lying wounded. He could have killed him if he wanted, but he thought that no wounded soldier should be killed. That is why he left him and he left from there. When Henry Tandy was asked after many years that he had a good chance of killing Hitler, but why he had not done so, he replied that he left the soldier not a Hitler but a tired and loser general. It is not that only Henry knew Hitler but Hitler also knew him very well. In 1938, when the British Prime Minister Neville met Hitler during the Chamberyne Munich Agreement, he told him how Henry was very close to killing him, but he had not killed him.

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