Here are some signs that you are in a 'Toxic Relation'

It is very important to identify that whether you are in a toxic relation or not? Because, If you are, then you will get you heart damaged from inside. Also, It is not always possible for the one person to compromise and sacrifice in a relation as one-sided efforts are very bad for long lasting relation. And at last a point arrives where your sacrifice starts losing your own self.

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Here are some signs that your relationship is going very bad:-

1. Uncomfortable Feeling:

If your relationship is going very bad, then your partner will make you feel uncomfortable. So much tension will surround you two; also, there will be lots of fights and disagreements in a relationship.

2. Your every intention and motive gets questioned:

Extreme jealousy will come in your relationship when any kind of interaction you made with your opposite gender. Constant doubts will come in their way.

3. Being Never happy feeling:

If a relation is toxic, then your partner will never be happy with what you did for them. Nothing will be enough for them


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