Hey lady! You are the only in charge of your body

“Hey, you are getting fat”. “Hey, Sweety why don’t you have something, you are getting skinny day by day”. “Ohh.. she is a fitness freak”. “You know what she doesn't care for her body at all”.

Fade up with such comments?

You need to get out of that fixed criteria of being a female. All you need to know is that you own your body and how you want to keep it is none of the anyone’s business. The fact equally goes with all matters be it fitness, diet, fashion, sex, abortion, body modification etc. each and every decision related to your body is your own because the only in charge of your body is you.

If you want to have a tattoo, it should be your prerogative. Similarly piercing, surgery, dressing everything should be owned by you.

I’m not trying to push you towards being irresponsible to your body; my concern is more inclined to take the responsibility of your own body. Just like men women should get to decide what they want from their own body. 

So lady take a deep breath and allow you to take care of yourself. If dieting is hard for you, don’t torture yourself with hunger. Not ready to be a mother, restrict it or get an abortion. Wanna wear that short dress, go ahead for it. Not comfortable doing something, don’t do it.

In short, how you want your body is totally up to you. Let people know that you can take care of your body and any decision related to your body needs your first consideration. 

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